Thursday, February 18, 2010

There's Always Something...

My kitchen is covered in dog food.  I'm not sure why, but recently the girls have begun taking mouthfuls of food and walking a few feet before crunching down.  So I decided to vacuum.  Since I'm vacuuming anyways I should probably get out the hose and get all that dog fur that collects and multiplies in every corner.  Once the floor was dog food free I figured I may as well do a quick mopping, just because I can't see the dog spit all over the floor doesn't mean it's not there.

So I went to the closet to grab the mop.  Of course, the light in the closet is burnt out, and replacing the bulb would mean actually finding a new bulb- who knows where I've been "storing" them lately, and then squeezing a step stool close enough to be able to actually reach the burnt out bulb.

Well, I found a new bulb, in the file cabinet, of course.  And after a perilous attempt at reaching the bulb I give up, add that to my Other Half's to-do list.

Now for the mop.  I finally got it after groping blindly through the darkness.  I had forgotten that the mop head had slipped off and the intricacies of mop head replacement escape me.  By the time I'd gotten the mop together I'd wasted a good twenty minutes.  So much for being efficient.

Once the floor was cleaned I looked around, and much to my dismay, I discovered that my house still looked like I'd rented it out to hillbillies for a month or so.  So I started to load the dirty dishes into the dishwasher, which was quickly filled.  I grabbed the detergent from under the sink and tried to pour it.  The problem is that that cabinet must be extremely humid because all the detergent was clumped up inside its cardboard box and refused to pour.  I closed the top and shook vigorously.  I could hear some chunks clunking around, excellent, I'm in luck!  So I poured out three chunks of dish detergent that bounced wildly, none of them actually landing in the little tray intended for soap.

Ok, dishwasher loaded and finally running, I should probably clean off the stove.  Which means that I have to clean the teapot on the stove that refuses to remain white.  And once the top of the stove is clean I notice that the front of the stove is covered in greasy fingerprints and what appears to be a dog's tongue marks.  At least I hope it's from the dog, I'm in need of some serious parenting help if it's from Lou.  So I clean the front of the stove, and figure that since I've got all my cleaning accoutrements out I should probably wash down the fridge and dishwasher too.  Which means that I have to move all the magnets, papers, pictures and stickers stuck on said appliances.  But where to put them?  Now I have to clean the counter.  So by the time I've mopped the floor I've ended up cleaning the kitchen.

But what's this?  That's right, more dog food on the floor.

There's always something and it never ends...

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