Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Cockroach Game

Cockroaches are gross, beyond gross.  I lived in Florida in my early years, and there is no way to escape the occasional cockroach.  They just happen.  My mom hated cockroaches, and I think this cockroach hating thing may be hereditary.  I've had about three nightmares my whole life and two of them have been about cockroaches. 

So one day, well after our move up here to the tundra, my dad and I were out when we spotted a rubbery cockroach that could totally pass as the real deal.  Of course, we could not resist buying this present for my mom.  I put it in her underwear drawer.  I still remember the scream the next morning when she found it.

She put it in my laundry.  I'd hide it in her book, she'd slip it in my bed, I'd tuck it under the top kleenex.  It went back and forth, and you know what, it was just as entertaining the 800th time as it was the first time.

So in a recent attempt to clear out clutter I opened the jewelry box that's been collecting dust for the last six years or so.  And there it was: The Cockroach.

Lou was there and she completely freaked out.  Even after I'd been holding it (and believe me, I don't do bugs, so this was a sure sign that this bug was definitely not real, as I'd been trying to assure her) she still wouldn't get too close.  It was admired with a grotesque fascination from a safe distance.  I couldn't resist carrying on tradition, so I had to put it in my Other Half's slippers- classic!

Not as great of a reaction as I would have gotten with my mom, but not bad, and I'll take it.

What Lou has learned from this is that it's hilarious to leave things in people's shoes.  The next night she left her tiny slippers in the Other Half's slippers.  The night after that it was her chapstick.  She's even starting leaving things in her own shoes so that she can get a laugh in the morning.  She still won't go near The Cockroach, but she's warming up to the idea.  Which is a good thing.  I don't want to raise a girl who's too girly to touch a fake bug, but believe me, I'm dreading the day when I find that bad boy in my own shoes.


  1. Your Uncle Bill and I occasionally do the "leave items where you don't expect it" game. Your mom would howl when I would tell her about the hammer I put at the bottom of the bed on his side, or the banana I put in his underwear drawer...this reminds me to pick up the baton again. He is going to be staying in a hotel next week while he takes a class in Chicago so I am thinking about what I can place in his suitcase....let me know if you have any brilliant ideas!!

  2. Hahaha that's wonderful! I believe it that my mom would find that hilarious! Let me know if you want to borrow the cockroach :)
