Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Le Moustache

I've been feeding the goldfish with a color-enhancing tropical fish food.  I have no idea if this food is even appropriate for goldfish, I'm not sure they're considered tropical fish, where are they from anyways?  But it's what I have and I'll be damned if I buy one more useless container of fish food.  They're still alive, so I've decided that this must be the correct food for them. 

One of the goldfish has started getting more and more dark patches.  He must be one of the Walmart survivors.  Mind you, I have no idea if this fish is male or female, nor am I all that worried about finding out; but I call him a he because he reminds me of our neighbor Wayne, in Florida.  He's small and goofy looking and I think that if he had the choice he'd be wearing a Speedo and climbing a banana tree.

Anyways, he's started getting some black on the tips of his fins and recently he's developed a mustache. 

It's a very sophisticated mustache.  It looks quite French, and it fits with his Wayne personality.  He often stares out at you from inside his tank, his look sobered by his mustache.  I've taken to calling him Pierre, although I'm constantly reminded that his name is, in fact, Belle.  We've stated doing imitations of him where we curve our pointer finger around the top of our mouths and ask, "Who am I?  Hey, you guys, look, who am I?"

It's hilarious.

Poor Lou thinks that this is what normal people do for entertainment.

So anyways, I've given him a voice, and I often speak for him, "Oooh, look at me, I am zo Frunch."  I give him a good, thick accent.  It's widly entertaining.  We must be really bored out here.

We were at a party last weekend and Lou turned to me, finger curled around her lip, and said, "Ooooh I am zo Frunch!"

The room erupted into laughter, and I have no idea what everyone at the party thought of my parenting, but I, for one, was so proud!  My daughter is mastering the art of the immitation.  She's ready for the theatre, in the words of Pierre.


Until you ask her to immitate me...

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