Monday, February 8, 2010

Embracing Wet Dogs

I'm trying to loosen up when it comes to the state of my house.  It's just not reasonable to think that it will always be completely picked up, dust free, and sanitized.  It's a continual work in progress.

I'm not sure when I became such a clean freak, but seriously, why can't it always be completely picked up, dust free, and sanitized?

So it drives me crazy when the dogs come back inside.  They reek like dogs and they're soaking wet, in fact, I'm amazed that there's still snow left outside.  They storm the front door, jockeying to be the first one in and have to immediately check the status of the food bowls, a status which hasn't changed since they went outside, and never will unless I decide to take up dog food, but nonetheless needs to be checked.

And then they have to make sure that, although they're not going to eat, the other one doesn't try to.  So they have a staring contest for a minute or so before going their separate ways, leaving a trail of melted snow behind them.

Chowder goes straight for my bed where she can make sure to get the comforter and pillows wet.  Gidget takes her spot on the couch where she can leave footprints all over.

I've tried keeping them in the garage and letting them dry off before letting them in.  The problem is that they look so pathetic out there that I just have to let them in to stop them from embarrassing themselves further.

Sure I could dry them off with a towel but that's just more work than it's worth. 

As a mama's girl, Gidget is always the first one to sit to be towelled.  But she likes to play tug of war with the towel and Chowder finds that unacceptable.  As Gidge tries to rip the head off of the towel Chowder agitatedly whines and I scramble to hold on to bouncing dog feet and dry them.  And Chowder paces, undoing any progress I may have made with Gidget's snow.

As for Chowder's turn, you'd think I was trying to dry her with sandpaper, the way she acts.  As the doer of the action I know that I can't possibly be hurting her, but the way she looks at me, I begin to wonder sometimes.  Did I accidentally grab an oversized Brillo pad?  Nope, it's still just a towel.

And Chowder's complaining really gets Gidget's goat.  Whatever herding dog is in her comes out as she circles us, daring Chowder to actually do something about her words.  So by the time I've dried them both there's still snow on the floor and I'm left with two very worked up dogs and wet socks.

So I've decided to embrace wet dogs in my house and the snow they bring with them.  I am actively incorporating the outdoors into my interior design.  I'm viewing it as extra moisture added to the dry winter air.  It's cleansing.  It's become a mantra.

Someone please remind me of this in the spring when they start bringing in mud.

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