Thursday, February 4, 2010


Fish don't usually last too long in our house.  It may be the occasional over-exuberance with which Lou feeds them.  A few have fallen victim to the cat.  One unlucky fish became lunch for the dog shortly after she came home.  I couldn't figure out what had happened to the the lone fish I had left in a bowl on the counter while the tank was being cleaned.  Lou and I returned from running errands to find an empty bowl of water.  Gidget was the only one home...

So when the most current Cinderella, Belle, and Ariel went to fish heaven, my Other Half went to PetsMart for some replacements.

After picking out the goldfish, he was asked how big the tank was that he was planning on keeping them in.  He indicated with his hands the size of the tank, it's little, but then again, they're little fish.

"Well, you know, these things grow to be a foot long."

Seriously?  These twenty-eight cent goldfish are going to grow to be a foot long?  What an incredible bargain!  It makes you wonder how PetsMart can stay in business.  We keep joking that they're just hours away from exploding in size.  We're going to have to dig them a lake in the backyard.  But as of yet they appear to be exactly the same size as they were the day we got them.

I want my fifty-six cents back.

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