Friday, February 26, 2010

The Hot Lava Game

I've got a new workout plan, it's called The Hot Lava Game.  Our floors are a classy linoleum pattern of green and white squares.  The white ones are Hot Lava.  Or maybe it's the green ones; I can never be sure, it changes so often. 

All I know is that when Lou says, "THE (insert this moment's color) ARE HOT LAVA!!!" I know that I had better start jumping from square to square.  I sure as hell don't want to burn!

All rugs are safe zones- and the bathroom, which has only white tiles.  And, of course, all furniture is safe.  Standard rules.

It's goofy, it's fun, and it's something that Lou and I can bond over.  I mean, c'mon, there's no better bonding than the kind that happens when you're finally safe on the couch having survived the perils on the floor.

And you know what?  My legs are kind of sore.  This may be a sign that I should start being more serious about my exercise. 

I'm taking it as a sign that I'm finally getting some exercise.

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