Thursday, October 14, 2010

Fall Paranoia 2010

With Lou's recent revolt against nap time, bedtime has become considerably more simple.  Suddenly, Other Half and I have more evening free time than we probably know what to do with.

Actually, we have plenty to do, there's always something.

Anyways, we have some free time and the weather's been great so we've been making a point of doing nothing but sitting outside and enjoying the night.

We can hardly see our closest neighbor and the backyard opens up into a field.  So while we can't hear cars or people in the dark we can hear plenty: owls, coyotes, geese, ducks, loons, and rogue racoons to name a few.  And then last night we heard someone walking through the field.

Who was that?

Oh my God, is there someone walking out by The Shed?

Is there someone by the garage?

Who the hell are all of these people?  Where are they coming from?  What are they doing?!?

Ha. Nothing.  There's no one there.

We heard the sound of leaves falling in record numbers.

There's nothing to compare to country living and while there are many benefits, there may be a few drawbacks too.  The isolation can make you a strange and paranoid individual...

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