Wednesday, October 6, 2010

It's Amazing What A Minivan Can Do

Especially for your social status at preschool.

Last year, wedding ring less and rusty carred, I was the Quasimodo of preschool.  Sure, I had a kid there, but to the other parents, I was absolutely not an equal.

Well we just got a minivan, and, surprise surprise, I'm a star!  Suddenly I'm everyone's best friend. 

This year I can apparently be trusted with play dates, aka a Watch My Kids for a Few Hours date.  I'm cool enough to be part of the gossip at pick up time.  Did you hear about so and so?  No?  Oh that's right, you DON'T have a minivan...  People wave goodbye when we leave and everyone actually acknowledges my Other Half these days.

Sure there are other benefits to having a minivan if your primary cargo is children; namely the space, comfort, and safety.  But honestly, what good are these things if no one will talk to you?  I'm not sure if minivans are cool to preschool parents because of these things or if minivan makers made them with these features due to the minivan's popularity with this crowd.  Classic chicken or egg question.

Either way, I've certainly gotten a hell of a lot cooler since I got this car. 

Who knew that popularity is as simple as an upgrade?  Let me tell you, I should've done this sooner.

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