Monday, November 15, 2010

November Snowstorm

Have we truly no blankets warmer than these?

Is this really the day that  I'm destined to freeze?

My nose is running, I'm ready to sneeze.

But can't get a kleenex from the bathroom I can't see.

For all is dark and black today.

With the storm all our power was carried away.

It's been rather dark and it's been getting colder.

Each night, with sleeping on the bed, Gidget gets bolder.

She snuggles between us, a thing never done.

Usually, the slightest move puts her on the run.

But tonight it is cold so we all snuggle in

And pray that soon the power comes in.

But until that glorious day, I'm left here to say:

Are these really all the blankets we own here today?

1 comment:

  1. Awe! Glad to see you have electricity again ... I was about to send away for butter churn for you to fill up your free time :)
