Saturday, May 22, 2010

Girls Poo Too

C'mon, it's not that gross.

Why is it that a poop joke is always funny and it's fine for boys to do, but everyone gets all grossed out when girl's poop?  What is this cultural aversion to female feces?  I have to wonder what kind of a message Lou is picking up.  I know that when I was five and figured out that society didn't like girls to poo, I decided that I'd probably be best off just not getting married as I loved to fart but couldn't imagine farting in front of a boy.  What would I ever do if my husband had to go into the bathroom after I poo'd?  He'd totally smell it!

Thank goodness I got over that.  Life would've been lonely.

I went to high school with a kid who didn't find out until his junior year that girls pooped too.  Seriously?!?!  He finally found out because a girl pooped during a party.  Subsequent potty users ID'd the smell she'd left behind.  God we were immature...  Anyways, that's how he found out- not because his mother told him or anything like that.  And not becuase he lived with his mom and any normal person wouldn't go to such lengths to conceal their poo, nope, nothing like that.  Is this something that we're no longer teaching our boys?  Girls are human too and their body functions in basically the same way yours does...  Guess that's just not a popular message.

Instead we pretend that our little girls really are the flowers they're named after.

Well I, for one, encourage the enjoyment brought on by gaseous emissions.  I remind Lou that you're technically not suppossed to fart in public, but hey, we all do it so don't stress.  I tell her that most people outside of our immediate family probably aren't as impressed as we are by her "massive poo", but we think it's cool, so celebrate all you want inside these walls!

Poo is just something that we all do; no sense in fighting what's going to happen anyways, there's plenty of other things to do.

I know that things won't change overnight, it's never going to be socially acceptable to fart in public, and we're girls, so we're probably not going to promote the fact that we poo.  But we all do it, so let's stop stressing so much.

Let's remember that girls poo too, and that's just fine!


  1. New book title: Girls Poo Too!

  2. I AM SOOOO GLAD you wrote about this lol after our last chat I was thinking about doing my own spin ... still might have to. However since I have "adult" content warning I think my title will be slightly different ;)

    Tell Lou I love the poop outta her and would be happy to do the "poo" dance for her just as I have done for my niece and nephew!

