Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just Wasting Time on my CSP

Somewhere along the line we were duped into switching to digital television; a revolution sure to change the way we watch TV forever.

Well it's certainly changed the way I watch TV.  More specifically, I rarely watch it anymore because I can't get a signal.

For those of us like myself, who care too little about what's on TV to have a fancy new digital TV they made a great new box called a Digital TV Converter so that we, too, could enjoy the glory of digital TV.  And I'd love to enjoy that glory if my TV could ever pick up the DTV signals.  Instead I'm constantly fiddling with the antenna collecting dust on top of my TV and intermittently performing new channel scans in a fruitless attempt to get a signal. 

Last summer a friend from Bismarck came to visit this cosmopolitan metropolis that is the Twin Cities, and yet thanks to the big switch, we couldn't watch TV.  We watched Finding Nemo instead.  She didn't understand why we had switched to digital TV and I didn't have an answer to give her.  It makes no sense to me.

For once Bismarck's got one up on us. 

Well here at the farm we like to make lemons of our lemonade so my Other Half and I have started a new game on this brand new gaming system we call the CSP.

That's a Channel Scan in Progress for all you non-gamers out there.

The object of the game is to get to the most channels.  So far my high score is a nine, but tonight I've been averaging a three.  I'm obviously not on my game.  My Other Half and I take turns playing the CSP and believe me, this is competition as you've never seen before.

There are only three buttons on the CSP controller; it doesn't require great dexterity so the skill of the game comes from your antenna placement.  You can play the CSP on the Easy Level where you just try to rack up as many channels as you can.  Or you can switch to Advanced and use your skill in antenna placement to aim for specific channels.

I only do Advanced when there's something I really want to watch.  My Other Half plays it more often in an attempt to watch the hockey games on the ever elusive channel 45.

Since there's no use in petitioning that we go back to the old system of a TV that actually had channels to watch, it looks like I'm going to need a new TV if I want to see what kind of crap they're coming out with now.

But where's the fun in that?  I'd much rather keep playing my new game.

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