Thursday, March 4, 2010

Pregnant Goldfish

I'm convinced that my goldfish are trying to concieve.  They've been really goofy lately, and Pierre totally has a crush on Cinderella.  So the other night I googled "how to tell if a goldfish is pregnant" and got more information than I could have ever imagined was available; and yes, I now know that goldfish don't get pregnant, they lay eggs, duh. 

One of the sites that came up was the goldfish blog, created by some guy with way too much time on his hands.

This blog is filled with lots of useful information, it's also filled with way more information than most people would care to know about goldfish.  He actually signs each post, "Jamie Boyle, The Goldfish Guy".

Is he the only goldfish guy?  Are their others?  I have to believe that he's the only one as I can't imagine there's a large demand for "goldfish guys".  How did he get into this line of work?  Is it paid work or volunteer work?  Is he trying to better the world for goldfish by promoting understanding of the nature of goldfish?  Is that really necessary? 

Does he have a family?  There's a picture of him with a little girl I'm guessing is his daughter, but how does one have time for a family with a goldfish obsession as massive as his?  And what does his wife think of all this?

Yeah, I know, this really isn't the place for all of these questions....

Looks like I'm going to have to email The Goldfish Guy.

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