Monday, March 8, 2010

Bear Blankie

I have an obsessive compulsive stockpiling problem.  I have a fear of running out of something, anything. 

Therefore the bathroom closet is a shrine to back-up toiletries, cleaning supplies, and toilet paper.  If you run out of Windex or bleach and it's not there, then just check under my kitchen sink which is armed with enough supplies to clean a small museum for the remainder of the century.  The bottom shelf of my pantry has extra napkins, condiments, pickles, anything that's in a jar and can keep.  I buy new toothpaste when I open a new tube; worried, perhaps, that I'd suddenly finish this brand new tube and find myself unable to brush for twenty minutes.  Honestly, if you ever run out of something, ask me, yes, I have an extra for you.

Lou has Bear Blankie, her Linus Van Pelt blanket, and this mountain of back up supplies, this my friends, is my Bear Blanket. 

This is my way of providing stability to my family.  No matter how rough the day was, it will never be made worse by running out of toilet paper.  When I come home, exhausted, and decide to make chicken nuggets for dinner (again) I know that at least we're going to have ketchup.  I sleep better at night knowing that I have enough baby wipes to take care of an emergency over-night diaper, with an extra package for school, one for the car, and at least one to spare.  And when I wake from that slumber, I wake with confidence because I know that I'm going to be able to have my coffee- even if the Mr. Coffee I'm currently using unexpectedly breaks, you got it, I have a spare one.  Oh yeah, and an aresnal of filters. 

I've heard that security objects aren't healthy beyond a certain age, but how can that be true when we never really get rid of them; it's just that at some point they're no longer made of cotton and thread.  I think Linus said it best when Lucy asked him what he was going to do with his blanket when he grew up: 

Maybe I'll make it into a sport coat. 

We all have things that we need to feel safe.  I need to know that even if I don't come home for three months my family would lack for nothing.

Well that, and I still need Bear Bear near my bed.   


1 comment:

  1. Maybe it is a Cartwright thing...I do the same thing with stuff...paper towels, kleenex, lotion, lip stuff. When I actually run out of things...which I do now since I am menopausal, I feel personally deficient...nearly embarrassed that I wasn't properly vigilent over the supplies. I have had to give up a little comfort in this area. Maybe I need to figure out a different Bear Blanket for myself.

    Oh and by the way, you are wrong..."my family would lack for nothing"????? Ahh, I think they would lack YOU!!!

    Luv u! Auntie Jane
