Friday, September 3, 2010

That's NOT How It Goes

I sometimes forget that the library is a great place to pick up music as well as books.  Lou and I recently checked out a CD chock full of chick rock perfect for little girls.  One of the songs is the classic Oh Susanna.

This particular song has ignited some debate between Lou and myself as to the correct name of a particular state.  I call it Alabama.  She calls it Alabambo.

Oh Susanna
Oh don't you cry for me
I come from Alabambo
With my banjo on my knee

This evening, as my Other Half and I were instructed to sing so that Lou could be a ballerina, I asked what song we should be singing. 

Twinkle Twinkle made the list, along with the Ah ah ah song from The Little Mermaid.

And then, for some dumb reason, I suggested Oh Susanna.

What a mistake.

First of all, I started from what I believed to be the beginning of the song.  I sang the first line and was promptly reprimanded because, "That's NOT how it starts!"  When I finally got to the good part, the chorus, I was, again, wrong.

It's NOT ALABAMA!  It's ALABAMBO!  (Emphasis on the "bam").

Well exuuuuse me!  But when I was in Geography class (about a million years ago) the state was, in fact, Alabama.  Somehow, between about 1992 and now the name has changed and I had no idea.

Do all three year olds think they know more than their parents or is this my curse for always knowing more than my parents did?  Is this going to last forever?  Lady, I know I don't have that many years on you, but trust me, in some cases I do actually know what I'm talking about.  Plus, my spell checker just suggested "Alabama" in all instances where I've written Alabambo.

But maybe not. 

Maybe the name's changed and I had no idea, after all, as Lou would say, "Mom, you're pretty old."


  1. Not sure if you know about "our" songs...while living with Gramma, we...Bruce, Kim and I each had our own songs that we had picked and Gramma would play them on the piano for us. Mine was Oh, Susanna! I loved that song! But I never, even at Kimmy's age, would have bought Alabambo! No siree, it was definately Alabama. I have sheet music to prove it! It was "mine" by virtue of having been born in Louisiana. BTW...your mother's song was "Tammy", by virtue of Kim being the beautiful girl that she was. Do you know that song? If not google it. It is very sweet. Bruce's was an obscure one called "In the Middle of an Island" or something like that. I guess I better google that one!

  2. ooops, i guess i was logged in on Bill's was really me. aunt jane
