Thursday, January 28, 2010

Did I Miss Something?

We live in Minnesota where, even when it warms up it's cold.  Target headquarters are located here so I was shocked and dismayed this morning that my local Target no longer carries winter gloves for children.  Are they serious?  It's still January, right?  So we've got, what, at least three more months of cold, and Target, of all places, does not have kids' gloves?!?

Did I miss the cut-off date for the sale of childrens' gloves?  Is this an attempt to make consumers plan ahead?  They were selling swim-suits, yet there was not a pair of warm mittens to be had, despite the fact that it's not even five degrees outside today.

Are other parents more organized than I am?  Do they buy stockpiles of extra gloves at the end of the summer, becuase that appears to be when the gloves are sold.  Doesn't anybody else's child lose gloves over the course of the winter?  And why, as a clothing retailer based in Minnesota, do you not carry gloves in January?

I am stunned.


  1. Hey! Good posts. I still think you need some goats! Or a yak or two...
    Auntie J

  2. RAH RAH!

    Okay ... I understand that fashion ALWAYS runs a season and 1/2 ahead of the current weather conditions. Now with that being said, SINCE WHEN has Target been considered a "fashion" meca so to speak? Their marketing efforts have become savvy over the years, lets face it they have become brilliant at drawing our attention to their ad's and stores. However, my point still remains, the fashionistas of the world do not FLOCK to Target runway shows in Milan and Paris. Thusly, WHY IN THE HELL are they not providing items for the season we are currently in!

    I say we start a petition ;), WHO'S IN?

    LOVE YA Pretty girl! You're blog is now my new favorite web page!
