Friday, January 28, 2011

Miss Communication

I often wonder why no one in any auto parts store seems to have any idea what I'm talking about.  Same goes for any home improvement store.  It's like I walk into Menard's and suddenly I'm speaking another language, one that is completely unintelligible to everyone else.  Okay, okay, I don't exactly know the technical name of the do bobber that I'm talking about, but c'mon, you seriously have no idea what part I'm talking about?  You're not even willing to make a guess?

I realize that men and women see the world in different ways.  But do we really process it THAT differently?


Last night Other Half and I stared at a package containing a curtain rod and it's hardware and hemmed and hawed over whether or not we should put it up.  To be fair, it was around 11:30 when I proposed this project and Other Half was, justifiably, not as excited about as I was.

Holding the package Other Half suddenly giggled, Ha, so this thing comes with a gear?, pointing to the picture.

Gear?  Gear?  What do you mean, gear?  I stared at the picture having no idea what he was talking about.  Do you mean like accessories?  Does it come with a cute little carrying case or something?  Why does it even have a carrying case, isn't it fastened to the wall?

These thoughts ran through my head as I stood there, presumably looking like a complete idiot.  I may have even drooled a bit.

I finally had to ask, What do you mean, gear?

Like a bike.


The gears on a bike...  Doesn't this look like the gears on a bike?

Um.  Oh yeah, it kind of does.

That would just have, never in a million years, been my first thought.  And probably not my second or third either.

It's true, we really do see the world in different ways.  Men see bike gears; women see purses.